Free Download BookPeace Is the Way Bringing War and Violence to an End

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Download PDF Peace Is the Way Bringing War and Violence to an End

Download PDF Peace Is the Way Bringing War and Violence to an End

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Deepak Chopra’s passionate new book, Peace Is the Way, was inspired by a saying from Mahatma Gandhi: “There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.” In a world where every path to peace has proved futile, the one strategy that hasn’t been tried is the way of peace itself. “We must not bring one war to an end, or thirty,” Chopra tells us, “but the idea of war itself.”How can this be doneBy facing the truth that war is satisfying, and then substituting new satisfactions so that violence is no longer appealing. “War has become a habit. We reach for it the way a chain smoker reaches for a cigarette, promising to quit but somehow never kicking the habit.” But Chopra tells us that peace has its own power, and our task now is to direct that power and multiply it one person at a time. Behind the numbing headlines of violence running out of control there are unmistakable signs of a change—Chopra believes that a majority of people are ready to see an end to war. “Right now 23 million soldiers serve in armies around the world. Can’t we find ten times that number who will dedicate themselves to peace A hundred times”Peace Is the Way challenges each of us to take the next leap in personal evolution. “You aren’t asked to be a saint, or to give up any belief. You are only asked to stop reacting out of fear, to change your allegiance from violence to peace.” In a practical seven-step program, Chopra shows the reader how to become a true peacemaker. “Violence may be innate in human nature, but so is its opposite: love. The next stage of humanity, the leap which we are poised to take, will be guided by the force of that love.” This is more than a hope or an aspiration. It is a new way of being in the world, giving each individual the power to end war in our time. Institute for War and Peace Reporting Giving Voice ... Institute for War & Peace Reporting is registered as a charity in the United Kingdom (charity reg. no: 1027201 company reg. no: 2744185); in the United States as a ... War and Peace Movie Review & Film Summary (1969) Roger Ebert Howards End. Roger Ebert on James Ivory's "Howards End". Ballad of Narayama "The Ballad of Narayama" is a Japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice telling ... Peace Quotes : Messages For Peace Peace Sayings ... Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankindWar will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same ... Transforming a war-torn Colombia - 60 Minutes - CBS News The following is a script from The New Colombia which aired on Dec. 11 2016. Lara Logan is the correspondent. Alan B. Goldberg producer. For more than half a ... Battlefield:Vietnam History - PBS The War in America One of the greatest ironies in a war rich in ironies was that Washington had also moved toward a limited war in Vietnam. The Johnson administration ... UN News Centre - United Nations United Nations News Centre with breaking news from the UN News Service Peace journalism - Wikipedia Peace journalism has been developed from research that indicates that often news about conflict has a value bias toward violence. It uses Conflict analysis and ... Peace movement - Wikipedia A peace movement is a social movement that seeks to achieve ideals such as the ending of a particular war (or all wars) minimize inter-human violence in a particular ... Religious Contributions to Peacemaking: When Religion ... Religious Contributions to Peacemaking: When Religion Brings Peace Not War. Peaceworks No. 55 Sunday January 1 2006 / By: Edited by David R. Smock THE WAY TO PEACE: A BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE Theresa Der-lan Yeh 92 The Way to Peace: A Buddhist Perspective Buddhist contributions to the peacemaking efforts and the promotion of a culture of peace in todays world.
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